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Renewable energy schemes help boost farmers' profits

"Surge in use of wind and solar power is providing secondary income for agriculture sector, in addition to rural tourism"

Category: Energy sources


Geothermal energy could meet a fifth of UK's power needs - report

"The study found that subsidising geothermal technology initially would help to bring down costs rapidly as UK sites were developed"

Category: Energy sources


Top US companies shelling out to block action on climate change

"Analysis of 28 companies finds cases of support for thinktanks that misrepresent climate science, including Heartland Institute"

Category: Climate Change


Tuna contaminated with Fukushima radiation found in California

"Scientists amazed that bluefins swimming in Pacific five months after Japanese disaster contained tiny amounts of caesium"


'Golden age of gas' threatens renewable energy, IEA warns

"Agency says tripling output by 2035 from unconventional gas sources such as shale gas could end support for renewables"

Displaying results 246 to 250 out of 2977